empowering young individuals to unlock their full potential, enabling them to serve their community, nation, and the world.
Featured Books
Little Monte
The children's book "Granny Said" is the first installment from the Little Monte Series. The book uses rhythm and rhyme coupled with dialogue to detail the lessons Little Monte learned from his late grandmother.
Hip Hop Writing Process: A Handbook For Educators
This book is a finger tip guide with a simple step by step process to implement this engaging Hip Hop Literacy writing process into the classroom.
I Can
The book "I Can" is the sophomore follow up to Author Lamont Pretrell Muhammad's book titled "I Am". The book uses "I Can" affirmations written in rhythm and rhyme to inspire children's self belief and motivation.
I Am
This children's book uses "I Am" affirmations written in rhythm and rhyme to teach children all the careers they can be to help their community, nation, and world.
"Education is a tool to inspire and cultivate the innate gifts and talents in each student. Moreover, students should use their education, gifts, and talents to serve their community, nation, and world."
- Dr. Lamont Pretrell Muhammad
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